Physician licensing

Committing hours to completing and processing the documents required for state medical license applications is not the most productive use of your time. Yet delays in licensure can cause the loss of thousands of dollars through loss of patient revenue, patient frustration, staff cross-coverage, or even the migration of patients to other facilities.

At Harris Medical Associates, we know each state’s requirements and processes. Let us help you by expediting the process of obtaining state medical licenses for physicians and mid-level providers. We will act as a liaison between the client, the provider, and the various state parties which must be contacted. We can often reduce the licensing time by as much as 60%.

Our staff will assemble and verify all required documents, inspect all forms for accuracy, and ensure all verifications and documents are sent to the appropriate individuals. Harris Medical consultants conduct continual follow-up, from initiation through final receipt of the license.

admin@networkstrategics.comPhysician licensing